About me
I have worked with international development organisations for 30 years.
As an administrator, advisor, CEO and consultant I’ve experienced the highs and lows of our sector from different perspectives and understand its diverse needs and challenges.
I learned how to value and support a workforce from my early days in volunteer management at Oxfam. After that, I experienced the challenges of embedding equity and inclusion across diverse programmes as a Policy Officer at Save the Children.
Since 2002, I’ve honed numerous other skills running the Enabling Education Network (EENET). Project design, fundraising, network development, advocacy, finance, editing, publishing, training, website design, event management, tap dancing…. OK, not tap dancing, but you get the idea!
Within EENET, I support a team of consultants working on a wide range of activities globally. My own consultancy portfolio is more focused. As my strapline says, I train, coach, research and edit.
- Browse my website to learn about my consultancy services.
- The portfolio contains a few samples of previous work.
- The blog shares a selection of my musings.
- I’ve also listed a few links that may be of interest.
If you would like to discuss project ideas, arrange coaching or just ask a question, please contact me.