Editing: AI or me?

First, I’m not a technophobe! I love finding an excuse to buy new electronic gadgets or play with a new app. But it’s possible to enjoy using technology while being wary of its growing and not always positive impact on the world. I am often asked what I think about using AI for editing, so here are some initial thoughts.…

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The Terrible ToRs

A terms of reference (ToR) explains a consultancy’s scope – in theory. Often it’s more a game of chance: the ToR may or may not tell you what the client wants, and if you get the job, the work may or may not resemble what the ToR promised. Join me on a lighthearted tour of my five most dreaded ToR…

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Categorized as General

Mentoring: Let’s help banish the sink-or-swim mentality in NGOs

Non-government organisations (NGOs) rarely have enough money. There’s constant pressure to prove that every penny is ‘put to good use’, which translates into donor and public pressure to reduce running costs. The knock-on effect often squeezes staffing levels to the bare minimum, resulting in impossible expectations and insufficient support. Too many NGO workers are then left to sink or swim.…

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What shall I write about?

OK, I need to create a first blog post, just so we can check out the format and launch my new website without the blog section being empty. No problem, knock up a quick 400 words – you’re a writer, get on with it. Here we go, easy peasy, and….. uh, what am I going to write about? I have…

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Categorized as General