

Here are some people and organisations I think you should check out.

They are all available for remote work, unless I’ve mentioned a location.

Inclusive education and international development consultants

Alexander Hauschild

Anise Waljee

Ayman Qwaider

Duncan Little

Emma McKinney

Juliette Myers

Kanwal Singh

Karen Khayat

Paola Rozo

Polly Kirby

Su Corcoran

Vibhu Sharma

Coaching and wellbeing

Charlotte Crowe

Heidi Dawson (Lincolnshire, UK)

Kate Bonsall-Clarke at People Who Thrive

Global Therapies Physiotherapy and Personal Training (Glossop, UK)

WiseHooves Equine Facilitated Learning (Marple, UK)

Film-makers and editors

Daniel Lewis

Jo Elliott

Oly Ralfe at Sheep Street Films